Autumn Auction 2018
Automobilia Catalog - Page 8/71
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mixed lot with 2 pieces, brochure: "Die Auto Union siegreichen Vier", from 1938, 32 pages, cover with sticky tape, brochure "Wozu fahren sie eigentlich Weltrekorde", 16 pages, '30s, all in German, good used condition

mixed lot with 8 pieces, sales brochures/brochures, operating instruction for Z200, replacement parts list for Z200, price list for models K500/KS600, sales brochure Zündapp-Z300 8-9 HP, "Auf Zündapp Berlin-Afrika und zurück", folded, the film hit "Das Motorrad und wir", Zündapp motorbikes 1939,... more

349 - ROBUR
mixed lot with 14 pieces, brochures/leaflets, among it e.g. Robur-utility vehicles type Garant, IFA mobile (GDR) special vehicles, tour bus FR 2-M/B21 LD 2002 Safari, LD3000 (utility vehicles with diesel engine), LO3000 pickup vehicles, Robur Safari, LO3000 utility vehicles with technical data,... more

mixed lot with 25 pieces, sales brochures/sales brochures/ folders, ring binder Automobilwerke Eisenach (Wartburg), fold-out brochure Eisenacher estate car Wartburg sports car coupé, Wartburg Trans, Wartburg 1.3 litre, with technical data, Wartburg 353W, 4 pages, Wartburg press service for LHM 1984,... more

book: "Die erfolgreichsten Rennsportwagen aus Weissach", ISBN-No. 3-928540-05-X (956/962), limited edition, No. 1399/2500, with dust cover and slipcase, good used condition

book: "Kupplungs-Getriebe X", book is made of 43 single sheets, all made of high-quality cardboard, Weissacher development center, less than 20 books were bound, only awarded to stakeholders , unavailable at the book market, condition as good as new

press kit for Carrera GT, 45 pages, with technical data, in English, in a high-quality box, very rare, condition: as good as new

book: "Porsche RS Spyder", limited edition, 333/999, fascinating pictures, high-quality book, in an elaborately case, condition of the book: as new , rare

mixed lot with 2 pieces, books, "Die Architektur des Porsche Museums" (perspective), "Die Automobile im Porsche-Museum" (Passion), with a high-quality hard plastic slipcase, very good condition

mixed lot with 2 pieces, books: "Porsche RS Spyder, Saison 2006", "Porsche RS Spyder, Saison 2008", books in new condition

fair guide of the international automobile exhibition in Berlin from 1931, used condition

2x edition "Deutsche Motorräder/Motorroller/Mopeds" from 1954/1955, by the Motor-Presse-Verlag GmbH Stuttgart, good condition

racing programme Grand Prix of the German Democratic Republic, world championship race Sachsenring, July 1961, used condition, with traces of usage

360 - LLOYD
mixed lot with 3 pieces, fold-out brochure Lloyd 600 with technical data, 6 pages, in English, brochure Lloyd, technical data for LP400 S/LS400 S, 4 pages, punched, in German, edition 54, Lloyd data sheet technical data for type LT500 two cylinder/2-stroke/0,4 litre, with technical data, 4 pages, in... more

361 - BMW
replacement parts list for the 2 litre 55 HP (six-cylinder motor vehicle), some loose pages, in German, used condition, with traces of usage

mixed lot of 10 issues magazine "Ferrari" from 1995 up to 2006, issues in German, good condition

mixed lot with 21 pieces, consists of sales brochures/brochures, among it e.g. fold-out brochure Mercedes-Benz type 170 S-D, 8 pages, in German, sales brochure Mercedes-Benz 300 automatic with engine with fuel injection, 4 pages, fold-out brochure Mercedes-Benz type 180, 16 pages, with technical... more

364 - MG
mixed lot with 12 pieces, among it sales brochure MG Magnette, with technical data, punched, in English, sales brochure MG all Tiders (MGM 1800 TC sports engine) with technical data, in English, brochure MG Fuldblods "Fast-Back" Gran Turismo, fold-out brochure MG 1600 Mark II, 12 pages, with... more

365 - OPEL
mixed lot with 5 pieces, among it sales brochure Opel universal trucks, with technical data, Danish text, sales brochure Opel Olympia Rekord, with technical data and details, in German, punched, sales catalog the Nye Opel Rekord, with technical data, Danish text, 2x sales catalog Opel... more

mixed lot with 7 pieces, among it sales brochure Vauxhall model Wyvern four-cylinder/Velox and Cresta six-cylinder, with price list 1954, in English, sales brochure Vauxhall Six/Cresta, with technical data, Danish text, sales brochure Vauxhall Velox and Cresta, sales brochure Vauxhall Victor 1961,... more

mixed lot with 8 pieces, among it fold-out brochure Renault Fregate, 6 pages, punched, in English, sales brochure Renault Dauphine, 16 pages, with technical data, Danish text, fold-out brochure "The new Renault 750 Mark 54", 8 pages, in English, sales brochure Renault Director Nationale, in English,... more

mixed lot with 9 pieces, among it fold-out brochure Wolseley 1500 - Elegance and Perfection…., 12 pages, in English, fold-out brochure Wolseley 1660, 12 pages with technical data, in English, fold-out brochure Wolseley Six-Ninety, 12 pages, in English, sales brochure Wolseley Gracefully Modern, in... more

369 - MG
mixed lot with 3 pieces, sales folder "The MG 2 Litre" 1936, with 4 charts, sales folder MG 1.2 litre 1937, in English, sales brochure MG One and a Quarter litre, with technical data and features, colors, in English, early '30s, used condition, with traces of usage

370 - NASH
mixed lot with 11 pieces, among it fold-out brochure Nash "The La Fayette" 1935, 8 pages, in English, fold-out brochure Nash Big Six (Series 1600) with technical data, in English, fold-out brochure Nash "The Next Best Thing to Flying" 1940, 16 pages, in English, sales brochure "The Nash Special Six... more

mixed lot with 4 pieces, among it fold-out brochure Pontiac "Six (chif of valus)" 1932, in English, brochure Pontiac "Get a Straight Eight for your Money" 1934, in English, fold-out brochure "Here’s the Inside Story" 1938, Pontiac, 12 pages, sales brochure 2Pontiac Silver Streak2 1939, sales... more

372 - TUCKER
fold-out brochure/brochure "The Tucker Motor Car" from 1948, 12 pages, in English, rare

sales brochure/brochure "The Railton Ten Years ahead of its Time" from 1937, with technical data, prizes, and contract and warranty sheet, good condition for its age, rare

374 - STUTZ
sales folder/brochure Stutz from 1929, for different models among it e.g. model Sedan, Speedster, etc., colored illustrations, in English, rare, cover is slightly stained, good condition for its age

375 - B.S.A.
mixed lot with 2 pieces, sales brochure B.S.A. Cars for model Saloon/coupé, 1932, in English, sales brochure B.S.A. Scout "The Car for Sporting People" from 1936, in English, good used condition

376 - REO
mixed lot with 10 pieces, consists of sales brochures/brochures, among it: sales catalog REO Speed Wagons, 16 pages, in English, sales brochure "The New REO Flying Cloud" from 1935, 4 pages, fold-out brochure/brochure "The New REO 2-3 Ton Speed Wagon", 8 pages, 4x folder/brochures for type REO,... more

mixed lot with 2 pieces, sales brochure "The Packard Eight/Six" 1938, 18 pages, sales brochure "The New Packard Six/120" from 1939, 36 pages, always in English, good condition for its age

378 - FORD
mixed lot with 9 pieces, consists of sales brochures/brochures/journals, among it sales brochure Ford Junior de Luxe standard, from 1936, Danish text, sales brochure Ford Lastvogne og Vareogne 1939 12 pages, Danish text , sales brochure Ford Prefect, 12 pages, from 1939, sales brochure Ford Taunus,... more

379 - DODGE
mixed lot with 6 pieces, sales brochures/brochures, brochure "The Beauty-Winner" 1936, sales brochure/folder Dodge from 1938 for different models, among it e.g. type Sedan/saloon/coupé, Sedan Two-Door/ Two-Door touring, Dodge Custom Business coupé, etc., sales brochure Dodge Luxury Liner 1939, sales... more

mixed lot with 2 pieces, sales brochure Talbot Lago for type Lago Grand Sport 4 litre/500, fold-out brochure Talbot Lago type Sports Saloon 2 litre, all with 8 pages, punched, illustrated, a brochure was glued on the front side with sticky tape, all in English, good condition,

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, edition February 1914, complete, good condition for its age

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, issue October up to December 1915 (2x, 1x good condition and 1x with water damage on the cover), complete

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, issue November/December 1919, good condition

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, edition March/April 1924, good condition for its age, slight water damage, but pages doesn't stick together

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, issue June 1928, with water damage, some pages stick together

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, edition July 1928, with water damage, many pages are stick together

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, issue July 1925, good condition

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, edition May 1928, many pages stuck together because of a water damage

mixed lot of 2 model types among it Shopping Stadt-coupé and Cote d’Azur, 6-seater interior drive, all in 18 x 24 cm

mixed lot of 3 original B/W company photos, luxury saloon, interior views, allways with a format of 18 x 24 cm, good condition

411 - FIAT
Germany 1930, sales catalog Fiat 521C, 28 pages, cover is slightly moldy, otherwise good condition

Germany c. 1910, sales folder with all in all 24 photos, car body versions, among it Landaulet, saloon, Phaeton, etc., a rarity, condition 2-

413 - R.A.C.I
mixed lot with 7 pieces, magazine "RACI", among it the issue April 26th 1931, issue No. 17, May 14th 1933, issue-No. 20, April 19th 1934, issue No. 16, 2x the issue September 6th 1934, issue No. 36, August 15th 1938, issue No. 15 and November 30th 1938, issue No. 22, good condition for its age

414 - R.A.C.I
1929, magazine "RACI", among it the editions 6, 24, 2x edition 28, 29, 34, 35/36, 40, 41, good condition for its age