Autumn Auction 2018
Automobilia Catalog - Page 10/71
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mixed lot with 13 pieces, sales brochures, among it e.g. DKW RT 250, sales brochure DKW RT 200, sales brochure/flyer model program, among it DKW RT 200, RT 250, RT 250/1, sales brochure DKW hobby, DKW Hummel "Das DKW-3-Gang Moped", brochure "Mit DKW gehört Dir die Welt", sales brochure/flyer DKW RT... more

mixed lot with 4 pieces, among it e.g. model program car, motorbikes and engines from 1936, advertising booklet "Überall Winterbetrieb mit den vier Ringen der Auto Union", issue No. 8 from 1936, 2 issues of the magazine "Die Vier Ringe" and "die neue Frau", issue No. 9 and 10 from 1937, slight... more

mixed lot with 4 pieces sales brochures, among it e.g. Steib sidecar from 1938, fold-out brochure/sales brochure Stoye sidecar, fold-out brochure Amal carburetor , hints and tricks for 1929 till 1935 carburetor, replacement parts list Noris battery-light-ignition-system for motorbikes, some traces... more

469 - DELAGE
sales catalog from the late '30s for type D6-70, D8-100, D8-120, with technical data, with price list, 12 pages, in English, at the right underpart were c. 20 cm cut off, otherwise good condition

470 - HUDSON
mixed lot with 6 pieces, sales brochures/brochures, sales brochure Hudson "Sixes & Eights" 1935, sales brochure Hudson-Built "Terraplane" 1935, 16 pages, sales brochure Hudson "Sixes and Eights" 1937, sales brochure "Meet Hudson" 1938, different models, among it e.g. Sedan, Terraplane, fold-out... more

471 - MORRIS
mixed lot with 16 pieces, consists of sales brochures, among it e.g. sales folder Morris "Ten Series M", punched, sales brochures different models: Oxford, Monaco, Cowley 1500 (2x available), Minor 1000, Oxford (Serie II), Oxford Traveller, Meteor I, model J4, Morris 850, etc., extensive lot , good... more

472 - AUSTIN
mixed lot with 11 pieces, sales brochures/brochures for different types, among it Austin A35, A40/A50, A60, A95/A105 (Saloon), Austin 1300/1100 Mark II, Austin MKII/40, 1800/MKII, Austin 1800, etc., lot in Danish , 1 punched sales brochure , '50s/'60s/'70s , good condition

sales catalog Chrysler 1935 "The Airglide Sixes and Eights", sales catalog with cord binding, 12 pages, with price list, in English, good condition for its age

mixed lot with 5 pieces, sales brochures for different manufacturers, among it: flyer OSCA (motor scooter) early '50s, printed on both sides , left side with a small hole at the top, very rare brochure, in English, fold-out brochure Bella 200 cc, printed on both sides (Zündapp), Danish text,... more

475 - STEYR
sales catalog Steyr type 55, late '30s, in German, 8 pages, cover with a small torn place c. 1 cm, cover with a small pen note, otherwise good condition

mixed lot with 2 pieces, fold-out brochure Hupmobile "Silver Anniversary" 1908-1933, for models 321, 322, 326, 10 pages, in English, fold-out brochure Hupmobile Aerodynamic, 1934, 16 pages, in English, good condition for its age

mixed lot with 34 pieces, from the '50s till the '70s, sales brochures/brochures, different manufacturers, among it e.g. fold-out brochure Austin Futura, 8 pages, fold-out brochure MG 1100, MG 1300/MK II, sales brochure Hillman Sunbird 1600, Hillman-Minx de Luxe, Hillman Hunter MarkII, MG... more

478 - TALBOT
mixed lot with 2 pieces, sales folder Talbot Sunbeam 4 litre, 16 pages, in English, fold-out brochure Talbot Saloon/3 litre/3 ½ litre, 8 pages, in English, late '30s, good condition for its age, fold-out brochure cover with slight color spot

479 - MORRIS
mixed lot with 8 pieces, sales catalog "The Morris Eight (Series I)", sales brochure "The Morris Ten", sales brochure Morris Specialisation 1935, fold-out brochure Morris Ten, sales catalog "The Morris Eight (Series E)", punched, sales catalog "The Morris Eight (Series II), ""the Morris Fourteen-Six... more

mixed lot with 8 pieces, sales catalog DKW Auto Union for different models, among it e.g. DKW Sedan, DKW Meister, DKW Luxus, etc., sales catalog Auto Union Wanderer D24, fold-out brochure DKW F102, sales brochure Auto Union Audi 60/75 Variant, fold-out brochure BMW Turbo, 10 pages, with technical... more

mixed lot with with more than 70 parts, consists of sales brochures/brochures/magazines, sales brochure Austin 1.2 litre, fold-out brochure Frazer 1951, fold-out brochure Packard Super-De Luxe, sales brochure Checker (Automobiles), sales brochure Pontiac 1949, fold-out brochure Pontiac... more

mixed lot of sales brochures/brochures/magazines, sales brochure Humber Super Snipe, sales brochure New Humber Sceptre, fold-out brochure Humber "Hawk", fold-out brochure Vauxhall Victor/Velox/Cresta 1961, sales brochure Rover 3.5 litre, magazine "Rover 2000", magazine "Rover 3500", sales brochure... more

483 - FORD
mixed lot with 2 pieces, sales brochures (2x available, once punched) Ford type Prefect, 4 pages, with technical data, Danish text, early '50s, good condition

484 - FORD
2 sales brochures Ford type Anglia, with technical data, 4 pages, Danish text, brochures 2x available, 1x punched, '50s/'60s, good condition

mixed lot with 11 pieces, among it sales brochure Chevrolet "Master De Luxe Serien" 1935, 10 pages, Danish text, sales brochure Chevrolet 1939 for different types, among it type Sedan, Master De Luxe, with technical data, fold-out brochure Chevrolet New Master De Luxe, 16 pages, in English, sales... more

486 - JAGUAR
mixed lot with 4 pieces, among it sales brochures, e.g. "The Jaguar Type M, Mark VII Saloon", Jaguar XK 120 Convertible, 4 pages printed on both sides, English text, punched, Jaguar MKVII Saloon Overdrive model, 4 pages, printed on both sides with English text, punched, sales brochure Jaguar V-12... more

487 - BMW
mixed lot with 5 pieces, among it sales catalogs/sales brochures, among it e.g. BMW 501 from 1953, ring-bound, sales brochure/fold-out brochure BMW 600, 4 pages, printed on both sides , probably Danish text, sales brochure BMW 501 "Sechszylinder-Achtzylinder" from 1955, 4 pages, printed on both... more

mixed lot of sales brochures and catalogs, from the '20s till '30s, USA, among it LaSalle, model program, early '30s, fold-out brochure Whippet late '20s, sales brochure Chandler late '20s, model program, Peerless 1926 type Peerless Six, Durant 1931, sales catalog Cadillac Sixty, fold-out brochure... more

mixed lot with 5 pieces, sales catalogs of French manufacturers, among it e.g. Simca Aronde from 1957, Simca Aronde 1300 from 1958, sales brochure/fold-out brochure Vedette the Beaulieu, model program Simca Vedette, among it the models Beaulieu/Chambord/Marly from 1959/1960, sales brochure Renault... more

mixed lot with 13 pieces, sales brochures from the '20s/'30s, among it e.g. sales brochure/fold-out brochure Auburn 12-160 H.P. from 1932, English text, fold-out brochure/model program Morris Cars from 1933, condition 3-4, edges were fixed with sticky tape, manufacturer Unic, fold-out... more

mixed lot with 9 pieces, among it sales brochures/sales catalogs of English and Australian manufacturers, e.g. sales catalog Holden, among it the models Holden Business Sedan/Holden Standard/Holden Special from 1953, sales brochure Hillman, among it the models Hawk/Sixteen from 1936, 12 pages,... more

mixed lot of 56 issues magazine "Ferrari Owners Club" magazine No. 84 up to 141, 1989 till 2004, magazine No. 13 isn't available, all in English, very good condition

mixed lot of 18 issues "The Journal of the Ferrari Owners Club", issues from 1983 till 1985, issue No. 59 up to 76, all in English, good condition

mixed lot of 5 issues "Australian Ferrari Register" (magazine), issue June/September/December 1993, March/September 1994, all in English, very good condition

mixed lot of 12 issues magazine "The Ferrari Club of Great Britain", volume 1, issue No. 1 up to No. 7, volume 2 No. 1 up to No. 5 1994/1995, in English, good condition

mixed lot of 15 issues magazine "Ferrari Owners Club" from 1978 till 1983, magazine No. 41 up to No. 57, all in English, good condition

mixed lot of 22 issues magazine "Ferrari World", No. 1 up to 22, from 1989 till 1993, in English, good condition

mixed lot of 16 issues magazine "Ferrari World", edition No. 23 up to 38, from 1993/97 all in English, good condition

mixed lot of 4 issues of the magazine "Club Ferrari Belgio", from 1988 till 1996, edition No. 1, 5, 6, 9, good condition

mixed lot of 11 issues magazine "Auto Classiques", issue No. 1, 4, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 21, 24, 27, 30 from 1983 till 1989, good condition

mixed lot with 4 pieces, programmes, among it No. 1: official racing programme Solitude-race Stuttgart 1949 (ADAC), No. 2: official racing programme Solitude-race Stuttgart 1950, No. 3: 3rd international ADAC 1000 km race 1957 (Nürburgring), No. 4: international Solitude-race 1959 (ADAC), used... more

mixed lot with 4 pieces, programmes, No. 1: ADAC 1000 km race Nürburgring 1963, No. 2: ADAC 1000 km race Nürburgring 1964, No. 3: ADAC 1000 km race Nürburgring 1967 (world championship race), No. 4: 200 miles of Nuremberg 1968 (ADAC), used condition

magazine "Das Auto" complete year 1947, 9 issues (partially double issues), a bit dirty, otherwise good condition, rare

magazine "Das Auto", complete year 1948, 11 issues (1x double issue), condition 2-

magazine "Das Motorrad", year 1937, the issues 1 up to 10, 12, 14 - 18, 20 - 33, 34 - 40, 42 up to 45 are available, cover partially with damages, paper is brittle

mixed lot with 3 pieces, No. 1: fold-out brochure Aston Martin DB6, 6 pages, No. 2: fold-out brochure Aston Martin Lagonda, 4 pages, No. 3: Aston Martin Lagonda sales catalog from 1986

France 1933, exclusive catalog "Indépendance", limited edition No. 1012 of 1550, ring binder, complete, rare

508 - JAGUAR
mixed lot of 4 sales brochures and catalogs, No. 1: fold-out brochure Jaguar XK120 Fixed Hat coupé, punched, No. 2: fold-out brochure Jaguar Mark X, No. 3: sales catalog Jaguar type XK, 8 pages, No. 4: sales catalog Jaguar Mark VII Saloon, all punched, otherwise good condition

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, issue November 1926, good condition for its age

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, issue August 1927, good condition for its age

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, issue February 1927, good condition

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, issue September 1927, good condition for its age

magazine "Motor", publisher Gustav Braunbeck, issue October 1925, good condition for its age