Automobilia Ladenburg

Marcel Seidel Auctions - - 0049 6203 95 77 870

Online Auction March 2020

Online Auction March 2020 - Page 11/21 - sorted by item number

No. 481 DAS AUTO
mixed lot with 24 pieces, magazines, "Das Auto", 1950, complete year, No. 01-24, German text, partially with notes, with traces of usage
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 134,00 €

mixed lot with 14 pieces, "ADAC Motorwelt" magazines, issue: 07, (2x) 09 from 1957, issue 01, 02, 03 from 1958, issue 01, 02, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 12 from 1959, German text, partially with notes, with traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 6,00 €

mixed lot with 10 pieces, "ADAC Motorwelt" magazines, issue 01, 02, 05, (2x) 06, (2x) 07, 08 from 1961, issue 09 from 1959, issue 12 from 1956, German text, partially with notes, with traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 5,00 €

No. 484
mixed lot with 10 pieces, mixed lot of books, among it: "Paul Siebertz- Gottlieb Daimler- Ein Revolutionär der Technik", German text, (2x) "Mein Mann der Rennfahrer", the life of Bernd Roßemeyers, German text, "Rudolf Caracciola, Mein Leben als Rennfahrer", German text, "Krieg der Autogiganten", Maryann Keller, German text, German cars 1945- 1975, a type history, German text, "Benz - Lebensfahrt eines deutschen Erfinders", German text, "Wolf Hirth erzählt", Rolf Italiaander, German text, "Ford - Mein Leben und Wert", German text, "jagd nach dem Sieg - Karl Kling" - G. Molter, German text, all books with slight traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 9,00 €

No. 485
mixed lot with 7 pieces, lot of booksamong it: "Die Autostadt" by Horst Mönnich, German text, "Porsche - Der Weg eines Zeitalters" by H. A. Quint, German text, "Chopper" by Rainer Drexel, German text, "Die schnellsten Motorräder der Welt- H.G. Isenberg & D. Maxeiner", German text, "Route 66 von Chicago nach Los Angeles", German text, "Auto-Jahr 1955-1956", German text, "Automobile - Die grössten Klassiker aller zeiten", Andrew Noakes, with dust cover, German text, all books in good condition and with slight traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 61,00 €

mixed lot with 30 pieces, Motor-Rundschau 1954, No. 17, magazines are punched, Motor-Rundschau 1955, No. 07, 09, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, (trainee edition) magazines are punched, Motor-Rundschau 1956, No. 01, 10, 12, 17, 19, 21, magazines are punched, Motor-Rundschau 1957, No. 09, 10, 15, 17, 18, Motor-Rundschau 1958, No. 03, Motor-Rundschau 1959, No. 01, 02, 08, 19, magazines are punched, Motor-Rundschau 1960, Nr.01, 07,13, 21, magazines are punched, Motor-Rundschau 1961, No. 08, magazine is punched, all magazines in good condition with slight traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 43,00 €

No. 487
mixed lot with 38 pieces,mixed lot of books among it: "Citroen Automobile"- Immo Mikloweit, "Hanomag Schlepper", Armin Bauer, "Der Zukunft ein Stück voraus", Klaus Rabe, "Heiße Trucks", Jack Ferramonte, "Tracktoren in Deutschland 1907-heute", Klaus Herrmann, "Schlepper", Armin Bauer, Auto+Technik Museum Sinsheim e.V., 2 Harley Davidson, Die lebende Legende" Johnny Leyla, "Acker Giganten", Klaus Herrmann, "Lob der Feuerwehr", Paul Simsa, "Dei Super trucks der Welt", Hans Georg Isenberg, "Saurer Geschichte der Nutzfahrzeugfabrik", Kurt Sahli, "Feuerstühle", Südwest Farbig, "Klassische Cabriolets aus acht Jahrzehnten", Halwart Schrader, "Aller Laster Anfang", Klaus Rabe, "Riesen auf Rädern", Klaus Rabe, 15 issues "hobby Magazin der Technik/ hobby … die Zukunft miterleben", "Orion" issue 05, 07, 08 from 1957, all in German, good condition with traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 23,00 €

No. 488
mixed lot with 16 pieces, mixed lot of books, among it: "Jaguar" by Fabien Sabates, "Handbuch der Kfz-Technik" volume 2, "Audi- Rad der Zeit", "Werk Zwickau", "Mercedes Personenwagen" by Udo Bols, "Die Deutschen Lastwagen der Wirtschaftswunder Zeit" by Bernd Regenberg, "Werk-Feuerwehren" by H.-D. Scholz, "Enzyklopädie des Automobils", "Marken-Modelle-Technik", "Die Ente" by Fabien Sabates, "Moto Guzzi" by Mario Colombo, "Deutschalnds Freiwillige Feuerwehr und Ihr Opel Blitz" by Udo Paulitz, "Feuerwehrfahrzeuge der USA" by Manfred Gihl, all in German language, "Encyclopedia of American Steam T raction Engines" by Jack Norbeck, English text, "Fairground and Circus Transport" by Denis N. Miller, English text, "Scammel Vehicles" by Bart H. Vanderveen, English text, "Jaguar MK II" by Duncan Wherrett, English text, "Jaguar", English text, good condition with slight traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 38,00 €

sales catalog Mercedes Benz type 170 S convertible A, 20 pages, German text, good condition with slight traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 26,00 €

sales catalog Mercedes Benz type 170V 24 pages, German text, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 22,00 €

enameled Porsche hub cap, diameter: 6cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 30,00 €

remote-controlled Porsche 928 by Schuco, dual channel, scale 1/16, good condition, function wasn't checked
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 22,00 €

No. 493
mixed lot with 5 pieces, kit model car Aston Martin DB5, 1:32, not complete, 4 Happy Families card games among it: "Die Schnellsten Sportwagen", "Superautos", 2x "Internationale Spitzenmarken", good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 33,00 €

No. 494 OPEL
badge by Opel for 200000 Km, 9cm x 6cm, with case, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 24,00 €

mixed lot with 3 pieces, fold-out brochure Borgward Isabella 12 pages, German text, with traces of usage, Borgward vinyl pendant, 8cm x 6cm, good condition, badge by Borgward for 100000 Km, 6cm x 6cm, good condition with slight traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 61,00 €

No. 496
mixed lot with 3 pieces, AvD badge, membership number 11459, enameled, diameter: 10cm, good condition, badge "ADAC Hessenfahrt 1961", enameled, 10cm x 8cm, good condition, badge, "ADAC 10. Vogelsberg- Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt 1961, AC. Lauterbach", enameled, 10cm x 8,5cm, enamel with a small flaked off part, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 41,00 €

No. 497
mixed lot with 3 pieces, 3 metal boxes with car lamps and fuses, 15cm x 11cm x 5cm
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 76,00 €

mixed lot with 4 pieces, "Auto Union 1000 de Luxe/ Großer DKW 3=6" operating instruction from 1959, 70 pages, German text, punched, with slight traces of usage, brochure "DKW- Sonderklasse- Dreizylinder", 36 pages, German text, good condition, flyer "DKW 3=6", German text, fold-out brochure "DKW Sonderklasse", 12 pages, German text, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 40,00 €

No. 499
mixed lot with 12 pieces, "Illustrierte Zeitung" among it: issue: 3715, 3727, 3773, 3784, 3786, 3792, 3806, 3827, 3845, 3890, 3903, 3917, German text, with traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 5,00 €

No. 500
"Das Theo Matejko Buch", illustrations as notes from two and a half decades, German text, with dust cover, with traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 41,00 €

mixed lot with 8 pieces, Renault brochures/ sales catalogs among it: R19 convertible, R Sport Spider, R18 and much more, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 9,00 €

catalog of replacement parts Borgward Isabella Lloyd Motoren Werke, with traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 27,00 €

No. 503
mixed lot with 7 pieces, magazines among it: Jurid Tip 02/62, "Auto und Motorrad Welt", 10/ 1952, "ATZ" 03/ 1953, "Automobil Revue" 10/ 1959, "Motor-Rundschau" 04/ 1957, "Verkehrs Rundschau" 07/ 1957, all in German, "Motor Trend" 03/1953, English text, with traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 21,00 €

No. 504
mixed lot with 2 pieces, Alfa Romeo Spider operating instruction and servicing from 1983, with notes, German text, Ford Taunus 17M, 1962, German text, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 11,00 €

VW sales catalog ring binder, '60s, German text, with massive traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 21,00 €

fold-out brochure, Mercedes Benz 300SE coupé/ convertible, 8 pages with insert with technical data, German text, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 26,00 €

No. 507
mixed lot with 7 pieces, books/ magazines among it: "ADAC Motorwelt" 05/1958, German text, all about convertibles, "Motorpresse Stuttgart", German text, "75 Jahre Omnibusbau bei Kässbohrer- Dieter Hanke", German text, "Die Deutsche Stadt Bremen", "Baudenkmäler einer Hansestadt von der Borgward GmbH übergeben", German text, "Big Trucks by Beekman House New York", English text, "Jaguar Quarterly" magazine 01+02/ 1992, English text, "L´action automobile XXXV Salon", 10/ 1948, French text, with traces of usage
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 121,00 €

Porsche enamel sign, 18 x 14.5cm, very good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 35,00 €

No. 509 BMW
mixed lot with 7 pieces, BMW model range 6 series and 7 series among it:sales catalog 628/ 635 CSI, 1985, 54 pages, German text, fold-out brochure 628/ 635/ M635 CSI, 1985, 6 pages, German text, sales catalog 728/ 732/ 735/ 745i, 52 pages, German text, sales folder BMW D636 Turbo Diesel, 6 pages with insert technical drawing, German text, good condition, Dutch price list for model year 1985, October 1st, 3 pages, Dutch text, 2 company photos, 1985, BMW 7/ 635 CSI, 24cm x 17.5cm, good condition, with year notes
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 51,00 €

No. 510 BMW
mixed lot with 7 pieces, BMW 5 series model range, among it: sales catalog 518i/ 520i/ 525i/ 528i/ M535i, 1985, 48 pages, German text, sales catalog 524td, 1985, 18 pages, German text, sales catalog 525e/ 525e catalytic converter, 1985, with leaflets, 26 pages, German text, fold-out brochure 5 series, 8 pages, Dutch text, fold-out brochure 7series, 8 pages, sales catalog, the BMW taxi, 14 pages, German text, company photo BMW 518i from 1985, 24cm x 17.5cm, all in good condition, with year notes
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 10,00 €

No. 511 BMW
mixed lot with 6 pieces, BMW series of models 3er, among it: sales catalog 325i all-wheel, 1985, 26 pages, German text, sales catalog 325e catalytic converter, 1985, 20 pages, German text, sales catalog 316/ 318i/ 318i Kat/ 320i/ 323i, 1985, 50 pages, German text, sales catalog 316/ 318i/ 318i Kat/ 320i/ 323i, 1985, 50 pages, Dutch text, 2 company photos BMW M535i + 325e, 24cm x 17,5cm, good condition, with year notes
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 13,00 €

mixed lot with 9 pieces: VW lot among it: sales catalog "Die VW Idee in der 1,5 Liter Klasse, (VW1500), 1964, 48 Seiten, guter Zustand, Verkaufskatalog " all about the Volkswagen 1500, 1963, 20 pages, good condition, sales catalog with leaflets " Vier Volkswagen der 1,5 Liter Klasse", 1965, 16 pages, good condition, 2x sales catalog VW Variant, 1964/ 1965, 8 pages, good condition, sales catalog VW 1600 TL, 1965, 24 pages, good condition, sales catalog VW 1500A 45PS, 1965, 24 pages, good condition, sales catalog VW transporter/ bus, 1966, 40 pages, good condition, sales catalog/ brochure VW 1300, 1965, 68 pages, good condition, all in German, with year notes
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 47,00 €

mixed lot with 7 pieces: VW lot among it: sales catalog VW 1200, 1965, 16 pages, good condition, "Nieuwe VW Modellen" 1966, 8 pages, good condition, fold-out brochure "VW 1600TL Fastback", 1965, 8 pages, good condition, fold-out brochure "VW 1500A", 1965, 8 pages, good condition, fold-out brochure "VW 1500/ 1600", 1967, 16 pages, good condition, sales brochure VW table of models , 1965, 12 pages, folded in the middle, good condition, sales brochure/ brochure VW 1200, 1964, 54 pages, good condition, all in Dutch, with year notes
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 32,00 €

mixed lot with 3 pieces: Volkswagen price lists among it: VW price list from 09/1967, 4 pages, German text, good condition, leaflet price list for saloons, Variant, transporter, 08/1965, 10 pages, German text, good condition, leaflet price list for convertibles, coupes, 08/1965, 4 pages, German text, good condition, with year notes
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 19,00 €

No. 515
mixed lot with 15 pieces, VW mixed lot among it: fold-out brochure Squarback Sedan, 8 pages, English text, good condition, fold-out brochure VW Fastback , 8 pages, English text, good condition, 12x VW company photos among it: 1600tl, beetle, bus, 1600, 1600 Variant, 1500A, 18cm x 12,5cm,, good condition, with year notes
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 18,00 €

mixed lot with 9 pieces: fold-out brochure standard upholstery, MB-Tex and leather upholstery, velour upholsteries, 8 pages, multilingual, good condition, MB sales brochure painting/ colour sample, 1982, 4 pages, multilingual, good condition, MB sales brochure standard painting, 4 pages, 1982, multilingual, good condition, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz taxi, 1982, 26 pages, good condition, price list automobiles and optional equipments edition 36, 09/1982, 28 pages, good condition, Mercedes-Benz color fan standard/ special painting, 16cm x 8,5cm, good condition, image brochure "Das ABS System", 8 pages, good condition, sales catalog MB off-road vehicle, 240GD, 300GD, 230G, 280GE, 1982, 52 pages, good condition, sales catalog "Mercedes aktuell IAA 1981", 32 pages, good condition, all in German, with year notes
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 91,00 €

mixed lot with 7 pieces, 2x Mercedes-Benz sales catalog 1982, 64 resp. 24 pages, English text, good condition, MB Special Equipment, 1982, 40 pages, English text, good condition, fold-out brochure MB 240GD, 300GD, 230GE, 280GE, 1982, 8 pages, Dutch text, good condition, Mercedes aktueel, 1981, 31 pages, Dutch text, punched, Carat by Duchatelet, 1982, 10 pages with flyer, English text, MB Het Anti- Blokkeer- system, 8 pages, English text, good condition, with year notes
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 5,00 €

No. 518 BMW
mixed lot with 2 pieces, sales catalog BMW 2002 Turbo, 1974, 28 pages with leaflets, French text, with notes, cover with slight traces of usage, good condition, fold-out brochure BMW Turbo, 1974, 8 pages, German text, good condition, with year notes
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 55,00 €

No. 519 BMW
mixed lot with 12 pieces, sales brochure BMW 2002 convertible, 1971, 4 pages, good condition, fold-out brochure BMW 2002 convertible, 1971, 6 pages, good condition, sales catalog BMW Touring 1600/ 1800/ 2000, 1971, 16 pages, good condition, sales catalog BMW 1602/ 1802/ 2002, 1971, 20 pages, good condition, special issue Auto Motor-Sport issue 15/ 1971, "Vierer Staffel", 8 pages, good condition, fold-out brochure BMW 1602/ 1802/ 2002, 1974, 8 pages, good condition, sales catalog BMW 1602/ 1802/ 2002, 1973, 26 pages with leaflets, good condition, 5 company photos among it 2002 convertible, 1602, 1600, 24cm x 18cm, all in German, with year notes
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 69,00 €

No. 520 BMW
mixed lot with 9 pieces, sales catalog BMW 518, 520, 520i, 1975, 22 pages with leaflets, German text, good condition, sales catalog BMW 520, 520i, 16 pages, German text, good condition, fold-out brochure BMW 520, 520i, 525, 1974, 8 pages, German text, good condition, BMW 520 sales brochure, 1973, 4 pages, Dutch text, good condition, special issue Auto Kampioen Test BMW 520, 1972, 6 pages, Dutch text, good condition, special issue of "AR" magazine, 1973, 8 pages, Dutch text, 4 company photos BMW 525, 24cm x 17.5cm, good condition, all with year note
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 13,00 €

No. 521 BMW
mixed lot with 18 pieces, BMW sales folder with 7 flyers, 1974, German text, with slight traces of usage, sales catalog BMW 316, 318, 320, 320i, 1975, 28 pages, German text, with slight traces of usage, sales catalog BMW 2500, 2800, 3,0S, 3,0SI, 1971, 20 pages, German text, good condition, sales catalog BMW 2500, 2800, 3,0S, 3,0SI, 3,3L, 1974, 34 pages with leaflets, German text, good condition, sales fold-out brochure BMW 2500, 2800, 3,0S, 3,0SI, 1974, 8 pages, German text, good condition, sales catalog BMW 2500, 2800, 3,0S, 3,0SI, 1974, 30Seiten, Dutch text, good condition, 12 company photos darunter. 3.0 CS/ CSI/ SI, 2500, 3.3 L, 24cm x 17.5cm, good condition, all with year note
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 100,00 €

No. 522 BMW
mixed lot with 6 pieces, fold-out brochure BMW programme from 1974, 9 pages with insert, German text, good condition, BMW optional equipment price list brochure, 1972, German text, good condition, Auto Motor-Sport special print 09/1972, 6 pages , German text, good condition, BMW color and upholstery combinations, 1971, 8 pages, multilingual, good condition, information brochure by BMW- "Sicherheit auf Deutschlands Straßen", 1974, German text, good condition, sales catalog BMW "Kenmerk van een merk", 1973, 8 pages, Dutch text, all with year note
Limit: 1,00 €
Sold: 22,00 €

mixed lot with 7 pieces, sales catalog MB 280S/ SE/ SEL, 1974, 36 pages, Dutch text, good condition, sales catalog "MB Personenwagen Programm", 1975, 30 pages with leaflet, Dutch text, good condition, fold-out brochure MB 450SEL 6.9, 1975, 6 pages, Dutch text, good condition, sales catalog MB 280S/ SE, 36 pages, French text, good condition, sales catalog 350SE/ SEL, 450SE/ SEL, 44 pages with leaflets, 1 company photo MB 450SE (29.5cm x 21cm), German text, good condition, sales catalog 350SL, 450SL, 1974, 36 pages, German text, good condition, sales catalog 280S/ SE/ SEL, 1974, 38 pages, German text, good condition, all with year note
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 36,00 €

mixed lot with 5 pieces, sales catalog MB 350SLC, 450SLC, 1974, 36 pages, English text, good condition, sales catalog MB 350SE, 450SE, 450SEL, 1973, 44 pages, English text, good condition, sales catalog Passenger Car Program 1974, 48 pages, English text, good condition, sales catalog Passenger Car Program 1975, 54 pages, English text, loose pages, sales catalog MB "What makes a Mercedes-Benz a Mercedes-Benz", 1975, 48 pages with 4 pages with technical data insert, English text, good condition, all with year note
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 20,00 €

mixed lot with 12 pieces, 9x Mercedes-Benz sales catalogs from 1999-2002 among it: SL, 300CE-24, E-class and convertibles, CLK convertibles, SLK roadster, SL, German text, good condition, sales fold-out brochure CLK convertibles Elegance/ Sport, 10 pages, Dutch text, good condition, sales catalog "De SLK van Mercedes-Benz", 16 pages, Dutch text, good condition, price list automobiles as of 03/ 2002, Dutch text, good condition, all with year note
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 21,00 €

mixed lot with 10 pieces, sales catalog M class from 2001, German text, sales catalog G 300/ G 320 from 2011, German text, sales catalog 290GD Turbodiesel from 1997, German text, sales catalog M-class from 1997, German text, sales catalog G-class from 1991, German text, press kit G-class from 1998, with color chart, German text, sales catalog G320/ G350 Turbodiesel from 1994, Dutch text, sales catalog G 461 from 1993, Dutch text, sales catalog M-class from 2000, English text, all with year note and good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 11,00 €

No. 527 FIAT
mixed lot with 7 pieces, sales catalog FIAT 1800, 12 pages, German text, good condition, fold-out brochure FIAT 600, 8 pages, German text, good condition, fold-out brochure FIAT 500 Luxus, 6 pages, German text, good condition, fold-out brochure FIAT 600, 6 pages, Dutch text, good condition, Fiat technical data sheet, 2 pages, Dutch text, 2x fold-out brochure FIAT 1100, 8 pages, Dutch text, good condition, all with year note
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 23,00 €

No. 528 FIAT
mixed lot with 7 pieces, sales brochure FIAT 1200, 1959, 4 pages, flyer FIAT 2100, 2 pages, sales catalog FIAT 1800-2100, 1961, 12 pages, flyer FIAT 1800-2100, 2 pages, sales catalog FIAT 600D, 10 pages, fold-out brochure FIAT 1200, 4 pages, fold-out brochure FIAT factory, 16 pages, Italian/ French text, all in Italian, all with year note
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 32,00 €